U.S. Trade & Aid Monitor
Original, daily reporting of little-known U.S. government-funded foreign aid projects and overseas business subsidies.
The following documents (http://www.tradeaidmonitor.com/2011/04/usaid-reaches-out-to-contractors-for-agent-orange-cleanup-in-vietnam.html) detailing the U.S. government’s Agent Orange/dioxin contamination-cleanup at Da Nang Airport in Vietnam have been obtained by U.S. Trade & Aid Monitor. The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), which is overseeing the project, had not publicly made available this information, which federal entities typically upload to government procurement databases. The agency claimed the documents were too large and subsequently limited distribution to potential vendors interested in submitting bids.
As the Monitor previously reported, USAID official are meeting in Vietnam this Wednesday (May 25) with companies interested in submitting bids on the environmental remediation program.
While the documents obtained are not necessarily new or revelatory, until now they have been kept out of the public domain, with distribution largley limited to vendors who submitted requests to USAID for CDs containing the data . The following is a summary of and link to each document, all of which are being stored—and will remain available—via the Monitor network.
READ MORE: http://www.tradeaidmonitor.com/2011/05/da-nang-agent-orangedioxin-technical-documents-obtained.html
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