Post-Vietnam C-123K Provider crews and maintenance teams WERE exposed to Agent Orange, and many of us are developing cancers. We're gathering & sharing vital information. Send documents. Send photos of us in the plane. Please tell others who flew with us, and I need names from Rickenbacker and Pittsburgh 123 crews!
Wes Carter, retired MSC
There is a large community of us who flew and maintained the C-123K Provider in the years following the return of the aircraft from Vietnam until its retirement in 1981. Some of us flew as primary aircrew, aeromedical evacuation crew or ACMs, but the point is...many of us have cancer!
Patches - Air Force Museum, Wright-Patterson AFB
Turns out the Air Force concluded in 1993 (perhaps even earlier) that many of the Providers were too contaminated for resale as surplus, even after extensive cleaning and replacement of interior components, and the passing of nearly a quarter century!
READ MORE: http://www.c123kcancer.blogspot.com/
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