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Monday, June 3, 2013
Agent Orange Exposure Briefing
https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B1uIYOBKcN_6aU5hTk5MQ2lNQ1E/edit This 18-page briefing paperThis 18-page briefing paper is
now available for downloading, printing, and distribution. It would be
wonderful if everyone got in touch with their state directors of
veterans affairs - every state has one - and requested that state
official to write the Secretary of Veterans Affairs in support of our
exposure claims. Hereis a link to the letter written by Oregon's director, Mr. Cameron Smith.is
now available for downloading, printing, and distribution.It would be
wonderful if everyone got in touch with their state directors of
veterans affairs - every state has one - and requested that state
official to write the Secretary of Veterans Affairs in support of our
exposure claims. Hereis a link to the letter written by Oregon's director, Mr. Cameron Smith. DOWNLOAD HERE: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B1uIYOBKcN_6NlZHaWJqSGNDd0E/edit?pli=1
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