Over 1,000 people have signed our dioxin letter to EPA. Will you join them? We plan to hand deliver the letter to EPA next week!
Dioxin is the most toxic man-made substance on earth...and you have some for breakfast, lunch and dinner every day.

Dioxin is a known cause of cancer. Learning disabilities, birth defects, endometriosis, and diabetes have all been linked to dioxin exposure. Dioxin weakens the human immune system and decreases the level of the male hormone testosterone.
Dioxin impacts all of us. Almost every man, woman and child in the U.S. have measurable levels of dioxin in their bodies.
We're up against some of the biggest chemical companies in the world, companies like Dow Chemical that have been spewing dioxin into our communities, which ends up in our food.
Can you sign our letter to EPA? We need your help now.
Thanks for all that you do.
Yours for a toxic-free future,
Mike Schade, PVC Campaign Coordinator
Center for Health, Environment & Justice (CHEJ)
PS - Can you also share the letter with your friends on Facebook and Twitter? Thanks so much.
PPS---Did you know that for over 20 years, the EPA's report on dioxin has been delayed time after time due to pressure from the chemical industry. Dioxin is one of the most toxic chemicals known to man. We can't let them get away with this!
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