from George Claxton
A new study released last month shows a connection between dioxin like polychlorinated biphenyls and malignant melanoma. The study is titled "Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), UV radiation, and cutaneous malignant melanoma". The study was published in the journal BMC PROCEEDINGS ( 4 SUPP : 04). The study is from the 16th International Charles Heidelberger Symposium on Cancer Research in Colmbra, Portugal, 26-28 September 2010. The authors are Richard P. Gallagher, et al.
Vietnam Veterans have claimed for many years that their skin cancers have been caused by the deadly dioxins and furans in Agent Orange. The US Government and big industry have always peddled the excuse that the real culprit was sunlight in Vietnam. However, the above study has finally accounted for the confounding problem of sunlight.
The study stated that "a strong association was seen between melanoma risk and plasma levels of total PCBs" AND "these associations persisted after adjustment for recreational sun exposure, sun sensitivity and pigmentatior". This study will have to be confirmed by a larger study (non industrial by company lackeys).
READ the abstract of the study: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1753-6561/4/S2/O4
It is infuriating to think that soldiers were unknowingly exposed to these terrible chemicals, and then denied any real medical help. The same corporate giant responsible for Agent Orange also produced PCBs for decades, a chemical that is now known to cause cancer as well. Sadly, PCBs were used in the construction of most buildings before 1979, and the chemicals can still be detected in many of the school buildings across the US. It is terrifying to think that the next generation of school children will be experiencing what soldiers have endured for the past several years.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the post, and keep up the good work!