November 5, 2009
Our organization is in the process of creating a new web site. Although the site is not completely finished, the information on our work on Agent Orange and birth defects is available on our Veterans’ Research page.
The article Agent Orange and Birth Defects that I wrote for the VVA Veteran was republished in the San Francisco Medical Journal, so this information reached the wider scientific and medical community.
The operation of our National Birth Defect Registry and a section on the analysis of our data on birth defects and disabilities in the children of Vietnam veterans is covered in this slide presentation:
Our National Birth Defect Registry was recenty cited in an article on Environmental Factors in Birth Defects that ran in the October issue of Environmental Health Perspectives, the prestigious journal of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS). I am on the public interest committee of the NIEHS and participate in monthly conference calls and an annual meeting with other members and the NIEHS director. The new director, Dr. Linda Birnbaum, was formerly with the EPA and was involved with the draft report on dioxin which found similar reproductive disabilities to those we have found in the children of Vietnam veterans. I will be attending our annual meeting with Dr. Birnbaum in December.
Those of you who may want to know more about our organization and my personal history may want to watch our video “Why My Child?” There is a section on Agent Orange birth defects. Click here to watch:
With best regards,
Betty Mekdeci
Executive Director
Birth Defect Research for Children
800 Celebration Ave., Suite 225
Celebration FL 34747
407-566-8304 Fax 407-566-8341
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