Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Chemicals, mergers, agriculture and all of us

We can predict our future by our inability to think outside the current task, by clinging to practices that have been proven by a better way, by our apathy, ignorance and sometimes stubborn belligerence. We can also take some good things, too far. We all can do this.
One of these practices that is impacting our future world is the use of synthetic chemicals. Many of the synthetic chemicals for agriculture exploded in use after our nation’s wars like Atrazine (first registered for use in 1959) and Agent Orange (or 2, 4-D) that was used in Vietnam. Some of these synthetic chemicals disrupted many of the historic practices of rotating crops that helped curtail weeds and build up soil naturally.
The synthetic chemicals used in agriculture and some lawn care is a difficult subject to discuss because it’s so broad, diverse and impacts so many – especially here in agriculture country. It’s almost a religious exercise, you either believe in chemicals or you do not – no room for any discussion in many circles. So, as I always do when I decide to venture out into subjects like these, I pause somewhere in the middle of that “religion.” I consider those I know who work for chemical companies. I also consider the farmers. I consider them; but, I also prayerfully keep writing because I am compelled by what’s happening in the bigger picture that impacts all our farms and our entire world. It’s an impact far greater than even the most recent Roundup® resistant weed.
The American Agriculture Movement (AAM) held their grand opening of the AAM History Exhibit in January of this year at none other than the Bayer Museum of Agriculture in Lubbock, Texas. In other news, on a bigger scale, this past year has also brought much talk around the Bayer-Monsanto merger. The irony perhaps, is that many of the farmers in the AAM movement most likely opposed the merger of the two companies.

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