We still can’t believe it. For twenty-seven years, the American public has been kept in the dark about the health impacts of dioxin. On February 1st, EPA once again missed yet another deadline to release their report on the health impacts of dioxin. In recent months, the chemical industry has been working behind closed doors to hide and distort the truth about the dangers of dioxin. At the same time, CHEJ and a coalition of Vietnam Veterans, breast cancer advocates, public health organizations, and environmental justice leaders have stood shoulder to shoulder and urged EPA to do what’s right for the health of American children and families. This has generated a wave of media coverage around the country, from the Wall Street Journal and CNN, to Michigan Public Radio, and Good Magazine.
We know dioxin is one of the most toxic chemicals on the planet, but without a final report from EPA on the health impacts of dioxin, the EPA’s and state governments’ hands are tied to meaningfully protect us from this unnecessary, poisonous chemical.
We still can’t believe it. Where is EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson? Paging Lisa Jackson, the American people are waiting for you.
Help us send a photo message to EPA and tell her we can't wait any longer!
READ MORE: http://chej.org/2012/02/paging-lisa-jackson/
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