Two new Parkinson’s Disease Research for Veterans released this week.
Parkinson’s Disease has been an issue of concern for Vietnam Veterans but the concern on pesticide (organophosphates) exposure and Gulf War Veterans should be tracked closely for rate of occurrence in the next generation of veterans. Developments in this research also highlights the need to examine mitrochrondial damage in the Gulf war veterans. Mitrochrondial damage mechanisms in neuromuscular disorders has to be continued and research in this area needs to continue.

This is the bill that has been introduced in the Senate it is a starting point for the Marines and their families that were stationed at Camp Lejeune. VT encourages all to call their Senators in their DC offices and get them to know the veterans and the citizens that do care about their military and veterans demand action and at least the Senators more than 5 out of 100 should be on this bill now as cosponsors! It is ridiculous that so few senators are willing to put their names on as cosponsors. Do they support the veterans and military or not?
So here is the call for the Senators! Call their DC offices and if they will not sign on within the week, find out why and report back here! We have comment area that can track what each of you find out. Call them and then email and then fax. Get your friends, fellow veterans, family members involved. Is it so hard to do? No, so hit the phones troops let them hear from you now!
Agent Orange “Soaked”Ontario Teens
Don Romanowich has been diagnosed with a type of cancer common in people exposed to harmful herbicides.
Glenn Lowson/TORONTO STAR, Diana Zlomislic Staff Reporter
Cancer-causing toxins used to strip the jungles of Vietnam were also employed to clear massive plots of Crown land in Northern Ontario, government documents obtained by the Toronto Star reveal.
Records from the 1950s, 60s and 70s show forestry workers, often students and junior rangers, spent weeks at a time as human markers holding red, helium-filled balloons on fishing lines while low-flying planes sprayed toxic herbicides including an infamous chemical mixture known as Agent Orange on the brush and the boys below. “We were saturated in chemicals,” said Don Romanowich, 63, a former supervisor of an aerial spraying program in Kapuskasing, Ont., who was recently diagnosed with a slow-growing cancer that can be caused by herbicide exposure. “We were told not to drink the stuff but we had no idea.”
A Star investigation examined hundreds of boxes of forestry documents and found the provincial government began experimenting with a powerful hormone-based chemical called 2,4,5-T — the dioxin-laced component of Agent Orange — in Hearst, Ont., in 1957.
The documents, filed at the Archives of Ontario, describe how WWII-era Stearman biplanes were kitted with 140-gallon tanks containing the chemicals, which were usually diluted in a mix of fuel oil and water.
Diana Zlomislic can be reached by email at dzlomislic@thestar.ca or by phone at 416-869-4472
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