Monday, June 24, 2019

Growing trend shows patients turning to marijuana to deal with PTSD

The purpose of the day is to bring issues related to Post-Traumatic Stress disorder to light.
One of the big local proponents behind getting the message out is a local marijuana dispensary.
Nevada's cannabis industry has its roots in medical marijuana, and as the budding industry continues to bloom, some dispensaries are noticing a growing trend of patients who are turning to the plant to help deal with post-traumatic stress.
"My friends were all going on this adventure that I kind of wanted to join on," said Matt Koetting.
Koetting's adventure turned into an 11-year career in the Marine Corps, but he was severely hurt halfway through his service, and it has had lingering effects.
"I have a traumatic brain injury," said Koetting. "Frontal lobe, I have reconstructive elbows, broken back, glaucoma in my right eye; a few other things. I'm diagnosed with post-traumatic stress."
Koetting owns a business that provides security guards, all Military veterans, to several dispensaries around the valley. While neither he nor his employees use cannabis due to restrictions around being licensed to carry a firearm, he's become more of an advocate for its use to help treat some of the ailments for which he sees his fellow veterans coming to the dispensaries.
"It's exciting to watch as well, too, because it seems like it's helping people," Koetting said. "It seems like it's helping guys that I know."

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