Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Veterans Have No Friends

Sacrifice, Honor, Integrity and “Earned Benefits” (not entitlements) mean nothing to the United States Government
{Just Try and Collect Those Earned Benefits Whether Volunteer or Conscript Veteran or Widow’s Benefits in Perpetuity}
“Veterans Die Trying to Collect Their Earned Benefits”


"This is more than just a Veterans Affairs issue. It is, in fact, a national security issue. Because if the country continues to treat their veterans poorly and, in some cases, abominably as has been the case with the veterans suffering from adverse health outcomes from Vietnam, from the Persian Gulf, we're not going to meet the recruitment and retention needs in this new era of needing highly educated, highly technically proficient people. They aren't going to stay in because why should they, when they know what's going to happen going out the other end?"  Dr. Ron Trewyn (member Ranch Hand Committee in congressional testimony in 2000)

Still Congress has done nothing to stop this despicable treatment, corrupt treatment, government collusion treatment from the top down, and as the scientists above suggested "abominable treatment"!
After decades of research; gathering data, failure analysis, conferring with some of our nations top scientists for their input; reviewing official government meeting transcripts both congressional and on-going study {not the government falsified and redacted reports published}; going to DC in person many times; providing evidence both in print and digital data to members of the house and senate; participating in many Disability Commission Meetings, both in DC and Satellite; presenting to the House Veterans Affairs Committee Chairman with issues and recommendations; submitting many many data points on death and disability issues that have been denied for decades now; submitting basic recommendations on reducing the backlog of claims that would guarantee that no Veteran or Widow would receive anything that was not justified, certainly better than the fraud that is in our entitlements system at present in the Billions of dollars a year {that is correct B not M in the Billions just in one entitlement alone ( >4 billion a year) and you do not even need a social security number; catalyst for the all site-cancer bill, that went no where {Congress had a chance to prove their words were not false and failed miserably as expected}; questioning the subjective requirements as well as subjective processes used to determine anything related to our Veterans’ Issues with regard to what Congress says they demand and what is on-going within Veterans Affairs and the Institute of Medicine for presumptions … not just the Vietnam Era Herbicide Veteran: The conclusions must be………
READ MORE: http://www.2ndbattalion94thartillery.com/Chas/Veteranshavenofriends.htm

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