Sunday, March 14, 2010


EPA has extended the public comment period on their proposed cleanup guidelines for Dioxin to Friday April 2nd

March 10, 2010

Dear [[First_Name]],

At the request of Dow Chemical and the American Chemistry Council, the EPA has extended the public comment period on their proposed cleanup guidelines for Dioxin to Friday April 2nd. Now more than ever, we need your help to counteract lobbying by Dow Chemical and the chemical industry.

There is still time to let your voice be heard! To date over 1,400 people have raised their voice and told EPA they want stronger cleanup guidelines for Dioxin, one of the most hazardous chemicals known to man. Dow Chemical and the American Chemistry Council have pressured EPA to expand the public comment period through April 2nd. Let's use this to our advantage and allow EPA to hear from you!

Take action by joining parents and families across America in telling EPA you want stronger cleanup guidelines for Dioxin.

Dioxin poses a serious health risk to both children and adults. In response more than 100 countries have signed a treaty that calls for a global phase out of Dioxin. Dioxin is a powerful cancer causing agent and human carcinogen. Join over 1,400 Americans by telling EPA that more stringent guidelines must be developed for Dioxin cleanup.

Remember, there is still time to take action and let your voice be heard!

Thanks for all your support,

Mike Schade
PVC Campaign Coordinator

Take action by joining parents and families across America in telling EPA you want stronger cleanup guidelines for Dioxin.


  1. "Red, White, Blue - and Orange?"

  2. Dear Dow Chemical:

    Thanks to you I live day to day with Parkinsons.I am reminded every day of Agent Orange. Thank's to you! There is no doubt in my military mind that you,like the Tobacco Industry,knew of the danger all along.
