Nhan Dan – A photo exhibition entitled ‘Agent Orange – Message from the heart’ opened yesterday at the Chi Lang park in Ho Chi Minh city to celebrate the Day for Vietnamese AO victims (August 10).
The exhibition displays thirty photos on large size (50 x 70 cm) featuring the physical and spiritual pain of AO victims suffering from the consequences of chemical dioxin and their efforts to overcome their disadvantages. The photos also depict social support for the victims to help them integrate into the community.
It is the first photo exhibition on the topic held in Ho Chi Minh city.
The event, held by the Ho Chi Minh city Association for Victims of Agent Orange/ Dioxin, will run until August 8.
In the US, the Make Agent Orange History group has launched an “Agent Orange Day” Facebook campaign, asking supporters to post a badge to their wall and to change their profile picture. Please consider supporting the campaign. thanks!